Dynamic Routing for Local and Last-Mile Operations

Wise Systems
Dynamic Routing for Local and Last-Mile Operations

Wise Systems

Dynamic routing has tremendous appeal for many local and last-mile delivery operations, driven by the efficiency and flexibility gains that it can offer. Further, as recent events have illustrated, many organizations need to adapt to rapid changes in business and demand fluctuations. Having the ability to accommodate varying order volume can be a tremendous competitive advantage and business differentiator in any climate, but is definitely highlighted during challenging times.
Interest in dynamic routing is often coupled with concern about the implications for customer relationships, driver satisfaction, and impact on the organization behind every vehicle. None of those apprehensions is insurmountable and to explore these and other considerations, we recently hosted a webinar about dynamic routing — how it works, where it’s most successful, and key considerations for adoption. The recording of the presentation, Thinking Strategically About Dynamic Routing, can be found here if you’re interested in learning more.
Using Dynamic Routing For Your Company
Worth highlighting are case studies of two companies in different industries (beverage and produce delivery) that use dynamic routing effectively to achieve their performance and efficiency goals — both before and during pandemic-driven conditions.
- The first is a large beverage distribution operation in Texas that committed to transitioning to a static-dynamic routing strategy two years ago. Some of their stops are fixed for a variety of reasons, but they wanted to be able to route others dynamically, and that’s what they’re doing — successfully blending different stop types into a single, efficient plan
- The second is a produce delivery company which operates in a tri-state area with headquarters in Minnesota. They had recently implemented Wise Systems and were moving towards using dynamic routing when COVID-19 hit. They accelerated their move to dynamic routing to adapt to the changes in their business, and are successfully managing the transition. Take a peek at the webinar for more details.
We know from our work with numerous companies across a range of industries that anytime you change the way goods and services get to customers, there are seismic shifts in the business on the way towards making dramatic improvements. Worth noting is that like any organizational transformation, beyond the technology and solutions being implemented, other key requirements include:
- Strong leadership and executive sponsorship,
- Clear communications and expectation setting, and
- A well-defined change management plan.
Here’s a recent article we posted on moving from static to dynamic routing, as well,
Expectation Management — moving from static to dynamic routing
The real motivation for making the move from traditional or static routing to dynamic routing is often grounded in the desire to grow and future-proof your business. Wise Systems is here to support that goal.